Nascar "Love" again for a day.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

We were going to Wally World "Walmart" the other day to do some last minute grocery shopping, and as we were walking into the store, Kaden starts SHOUTING! "Mom! look! it's a REAL Nascar Race car!!! Can I touch it!" Kaden has recently found a new love for dinosaurs, but, Friday was the exception, it was all about Nascar again for the day. The nice man showing off the car let us know it would be another 15 minutes before he was ready, so me and Kaden ran home to grab my camera. Here are a couple of shots from the day.


Suzy said...

Awwww it's so sweet that he reverted back "just for the day". Almost giving mom a treat of sorts. I wish the boys would revert back to Thomas the Train for a day. How fun!

Anonymous said...

They are getting so big I hope we can get together soon I miss you guys....