My adventure

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

It's rare I find myself having a great adventure, and today was definately one of those days. I went to go help my mom out today at the hospital, I had a great time with her and I really hope she enjoyed it as well. (She is doing much better by the way, turns out she had a pretty bad asthma spell and some sinus issues, and gets to go home in the morning!) Anyways, back to the adventure, I had to teach a class tonight in Saratoga spring, so I asked for the best way to get ther to save gas, etc. Over the mountain pass my mom tells me. Sure! that sounds great! So I start heading up the canyon, It was beautiful, I really wish I had my camera.. of cuorse I didn't, but it would have been very handy. Anyways, my mom fails to tell me that there will be a turn off at some point off the dirt road, missed my turn off, almost ran into three deer, and I come to the top, some look out, it was amazing, to the East, a quick drop off looking right down into the copper mine, and to the west, a bit of tooele and a bunch of desert beautiful landscape. The worst part was, I almost drove right off the side of the mountain, expecting this to NOT be a look out, but my magical short cut! Amazingly enough I had reception, and found out where I had gone wrong. after finding out that the little one lane paved road that went off the side of the Main, much larger dirt road was actually a road and the route I wanted to take, and not some private drive way to a cabin in the hills like I had assumed on the way up! It is amazing how fast people drive on one lane roads that wind through a canyon, I came so close to someone not paying attention headed up the mountain over 40 miles an hour almost hit me, I swear he didn't even know I was there until he was passing me. Deer jumping out in front of me at almost every turn, even Randy, my mom's husbad seemed to jump out of no where! LOL, he actually turned around and talked to me for a few minutes to see how my mom was doing, he was on his way to go visit with her in the hospital. and then it happened. I had to pee. BAD. a few turns later, I found a freindly looking wall on the side of the road, protected by some shady bushes. It was perfect place to pull over and relieve myself. I hop out of the car, jump the little cement baracade wall and start to take care of the issue, I look up, and there are eyes, staring at me! A group of deer were passing, and I was not alone! I have never had a deer watch me pee, well, not that I am aware of. An hour later, I arrived to class, but I don't think I will ever forget my lovely short cut from Tooeleto Herriman


Suzy said...

Adventure or near death experience? I'm not sure what I'd call it myself but I'm glad to hear you made it out alive!